Top 5 Best Investments for better and secure life!

Investment is that method by which we grow money by investing it in some capital appreciation assets. We always run behind the money and the stock market. But as a whole only one thing is important and that is Life. So, to make this life better and more comfortable we should at least take these 5 investment decisions in our life. These will help you grow as a whole. Let’s discuss investments for better and secure life one by one.

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Ways to invest for better life

1. Health :-

Health is the first and most important investments for better and secure life we should focus on. Even if we have ignored it till now then, from now we will take a resolution that we will give first priority to our health. If our health is at our best then it can provide us the highest ROI in our life.

There is a famous quote that Health is Wealth. These are the real 3 magical words. Even sir Rakesh Jhunjhunwala committed that his worst investment was health. But, we will learn from the legend and will make health, the best investment. So, in the top 5 best investments we will first invest in our health.

2. Education :-

If we invested well in our health and body then secondary investment we will focus on will be our education. In 2023 we will daily improve ourselves and learn something new. To develop, and build sympathy, empathy, and respect for fellow humans, it is important for every individual to gain a basic education.

We will even invest in books and travelling to explore ourselves and learn something new. This is also one of the most important investments. In the attraction of money we forget to learn. Learning is the key to success. We should always keep learning from people and books and use that knowledge in our life.

3. Insurance :-

Insurance is the most important financial investment we should focus on in our life. Every individual especially in India, thinks that nothing will happen to us and our money will waste in the insurance. Not taking insurance is also one of the Financial Mistakes.

But reality is that life is unexpected. God make you live long but we can’t predict our future and life. So, having insurance makes our family feel good with something in hand to live life in our absence. Especially if somebody has dependents then they must consider a term plan.

Secondly one should also have health insurance to save himself from big wealth destruction. How many times have we seen that all savings of a family vanished in one single disease of any individual of a family. So, this protection is also compulsory. And if we talk about Health Insurance then it should be taken off for all members of the family.

4. Mutual Funds :-

In our list of 5 top investments we will put Mutual Funds on the 4th number. We would have this investment also for our future long term financial goals. These can be Debt Funds or Equity Funds based on our time of future plans and our risk appetite.

If our future goal is 7–8 years away and we have enough patience then we can consider Equity Mutual Funds. If time is less then allocation to Debt Funds can be more. But investing in Mutual Funds through SIP is very important especially for salaried individuals who can’t give big time to study the market and stocks. For them the Mutual Fund is the best option.

Mutual Funds helps us to grow our money that we would require in future for our upcoming requirements. By this we get double the benefits of saving the money and growing it by some better pace as compared to other asset classes.

5. Government Bonds or PPF :-

The Indian government has opened direct purchase of bonds for individual investors, who could earlier trade in government bonds only via gilt mutual funds, to encourage domestic participation in the sovereign bond market. Government Bonds helps you to do the lumpsum investment and generate regular income from interest. We get returns as an interest in bonds.

Whereas PPF is the government-backed fixed income scheme can be considered a risk-free investment as its returns are guaranteed by the government. Here also we get interest but not regularly. Here interest gets added in our invested amount and starts compounding. One more benefit of this investment is that we will get tax benefits under 80C.

We put this on No.5 because it is a safer option and also it can beat inflation with some margin. When it comes to investment then we should always remember that whenever we invest proper diversification of money and risk is very important. So, to cover some risk of Equity Mutual Funds we put this option on 5th No. as it is backed by the government.

So, these are some of the best investments for better life we would like you to start now. These will help you to make your life Financially, Mentally and Physically healthy.

This is all for education purpose.

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